General Settings

Importing data into DEXTRE

Creating Delivery Invoices

Regarding order statuses

Order Statuses on DEXTRE

Please create an OC … An order has come in but no OC (Order Confirmation) has been made yet.

OC Created … An OC has been made but it has not been approved or confirmed yet (It can still be cancelled or adjusted)

OC Approved … An OC has been made and been approved by the Buyer, but has still not yet been confirmed (It can still be cancelled or adjusted)

OC Confirmed… An OC has been confirmed, and can no longer be cancelled. Before a delivery invoice can be made, actions are still required.

OC Confirmed(Undelivered SKUs Created)… The products from this order have been moved into the undelivered products list, and a Delivery invoice is able to be made for them.

Please update an OC … For some reason, there is a need to update or change this OC.

Order Rejected … The Order has been rejected. This can not be undone or changed.

「Force approval of OC」and「Creating Delivery data」

To create a Delivery Invoice, the ‘Order Confirmation‘  must be confirmed by the buyer, or be ‘Forced approved‘.

From the header, click on ①’Transactions‘ followed by ② ‘Order Management‘.


You will be redirected to the following screen.

Click on the relevant products ①’Details‘ button.

You will be redirected to the following screen.

In the case that the order hasn’t been approved yet, click on ①’Force approval of the OC‘ followed by ‘APPROVE‘.

After approving, click on ①’Prepare delivery data‘.

Creating individual Delivery Invoices

Click on ①’Transactions‘ followed by ② ‘Delivery Management‘.

You will be redirected to the following screen.

Using the filter find the orders you wish to create Delivery Invoices for.


You will be redirected to the following screen.


Select the Buyer.

② Set the Data Source Type to【Undelivered SKU

From the undelivered SKUs, check the items you wish to deliver and enter the quantity.

If you wish to adjust the price of any SKU, check “Set Custom Price & Tax

If you wish to remove or change the tax applied to this SKU, check “Set Custom Price & Tax

⑥ Custom items can be added here.

 Select or enter a delivery address.

Here you can select any return delivery notes applicable to this Buyer to attach to the Delivery invoice.

Edit the Delivery Invoice No. if you wish to.

⑩ Select a Delivery Date

⑪ This a free text area for you to enter a Description. The information will be put on the last page of the Delivery invoice. (There is no character limit)

⑫ This Note section is to add a internal note for your company regarding this delivery invoice.

⑬ Enable this if you want this Delivery Invoice to not be able to used as the base for a Billing invoice.

If needed, add a Shipping Fee.

If needed, add an Other Fee.

Once done, click ‘Create‘.

Creating an original delivery invoice


Click on ①’Transactions‘ followed by ② ‘Delivery Management‘.

You will be redirected to the following screen.

Using the filter find the orders you wish to create Delivery Invoices for.


You will be redirected to the following screen.


Select the Buyer.

Set the Data Source Type to【Original (Without Data Source)

Set the currency.

Set the Transaction Terms.

Set the deposit settings.

⑥ Click here to add an item to this Invoice.

⑦ Adjust the amount here.

If you wish to adjust the price of any SKU, check “Set Custom Price & Tax

If you wish to remove or change the tax applied to this SKU, check “Set Custom Price & Tax

⑩ Custom items can be added here.

Here you can select any return delivery notes applicable to this Buyer to attach to the Delivery invoice.

Select or enter a delivery address.

Edit the Delivery Invoice No. if you wish to.

⑭ Select a Delivery Date

⑮ This a free text area for you to enter a Description. The information will be put on the last page of the Delivery invoice. (There is no character limit)

⑯ This Note section is to add a internal note for your company regarding this delivery invoice.

⑰ Enable this if you want this Delivery Invoice to not be able to used as the base for a Billing invoice.

⑱ If needed, add a Shipping Fee.

⑲ If needed, add an Other Fee.

⑳ Once done, click ‘Create‘.

Creating Delivery Invoices in bulk

Click on ①’Transactions‘ followed by ② ‘Delivery Management‘.


Click on ①’Bulk Create New Delivery Invoices‘.

You will be redirected to the following screen.


Select the items you wish to create Delivery Invoices for.

Select the Buyers you wish to create Delivery Invoices for.

The items selected will be automatically split up by Orders. For each order, select the amount of each item to deliver.

Click on Mark as Edited‘ to mark this item as edited, a ● mark will appear next to the item name. If you un-check this box, you will be once again able to adjust this item.

⑤⑥ Use this button to change the quantity to「」or「All

Adjust the quantity here.

Here you can set a Delivery date for all the above selected items.

⑨ Here you can apply all available return delivery notes to the below Buyers.

From here you can set the Delivery Invoice No. and Address.

If needed, add Custom Items. (This will apply to all orders/items selected above)

⑫ If needed, add a Shipping Fee. (This will apply to all orders/items selected above)

⑬ If needed, add an Other Fee. (This will apply to all orders/items selected above)

Once you are finished, click ⑭’Create‘.

※ If all items have a quantity of「」for a Buyer, a Delivery Invoice will not be made.
※ After making Delivery Invoices in bulk, they can still be edited.

Editing existing Delivery invoices

Click on ①’Transactions‘ followed by ② ‘Delivery Management‘.


You will be redirected to the following screen.

Click on ①【Edit】for the relevant delivery invoice.


You will be redirected to the following screen.

 Click here to adjust the amount of items in this invoice.

② Custom items can be added here.

③ Here you can select any return delivery notes applicable to this Buyer to attach to the Delivery invoice.

④ Select or enter a delivery address.

 Select a Delivery Date

This a free text area for you to enter a Description. The information will be put on the last page of the Delivery invoice. (There is no character limit)

This Note section is to add a internal note for your company regarding this delivery invoice.

⑧ Enable this if you want this Delivery Invoice to not be able to used as the base for a Billing invoice.

⑨ If needed, add a Shipping Fee.

⑩ If needed, add an Other Fee.

⑪ Once done, click ‘Create‘.

Downloading Delivery Invoices in bulk

If you have any questions, please contact us using the
 Inquiry form

If you are in a hurry or need assistance by phone, please contact us at

