General Settings

Importing data into DEXTRE

Create a Catalog

About Catalogs

With Catalogs (Line sheets) you can select already registered products to display. You can also limit which Buyers you wish to see them.

What the Buyer sees


Catalog (Line sheet) details

Creating a Catalog

Click on ‘Catalog’ followed by、Create A New Catalog‘.

You will be redirected to the following page.

The Catalog Name and Description can be set for all languages enabled here.

Here you can set the year for the Catalog.

Here you can choose the Catalog Type (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter.)

 Here you can set the Order Deadline for this Catalog.

※ Please note that the timezone for this setting is UTC.

Inventory Order Policy

This setting is only for users who have enabled Inventory Management
Please set the Order policy you want for this Catalog

For example, in the case you wish to apply a ‘Make to Order’ policy, please select this option from the drop down menu.

Here you can choose what fields you wish to display to a Buyer and have filled in to make an order.

⑧ Here you can choose what Buyer Type you wish to apply to this line sheet, which will affect whether Tax-included prices will be displayed.

Here you can choose whether to give the Buyer a comment section to completer when making their order.

 Here you can upload an image to use as a header for this Catalog.

Aspect Ratio 5:2 (1920×768 pixels is recommended)

Choosing products to link to a Catalog (Line sheet)

Lets link some products to our Catalog.

①  Click on ‘Catalog’, then click on the Catalog name or the purple ‘Detail‘ button.

You will be redirected to the below page.

You will be redirected to the following page.

Choose Products you wish to link to this Catalog from the list.

※ They will be added in the order you check them.

② As you select items they will appear as thumbnails here.

※ You can adjust the order of the products by dragging and dropping these thumbnails.

If you have a lot of products, you can use the ‘Filter‘ function on the top right.

※ A video of the process has been linked below


Update your Catalog status

There are three statuses for a Catalog. ‘OPEN‘, ‘LIMITED ACCESS‘ and ‘CLOSED‘.

  •  ‘Open‘… Make this Catalog able to be seen by all Buyers who are able to make transactions with you.
  • Limited Access‘… From your list of Buyers in the ‘Buyer Management‘ section, The buyers you ‘Allow Access‘ to are the only ones who will be able to see or access this Catalog.
    •  If you have a link for this Catalog, others will be able to access it through that link.
  •  ‘Closed‘… No buyers will be able to see or access this Catalog.
    •  Even with a link to this Catalog, no buyer will be able to access it.

■Set up

Click on ‘Update status

Click on the Catalog Status you wish to apply.

  If you wish to delete a Catalog, you will need to type「confirm」into the text box, at which point the ‘Delete this Catalog‘ will be enabled.

Authorize buyers

Using this feature, you can authorize which buyers you want to be able to access a Catalog.

To use this function, the Catalog’s Catalog Status must be set to LIMITED ACCESS

①  Click on ‘Catalogs‘, then click on the Catalog name or the purple ‘Detail‘ button.

You will be directed to the following page.

You can use the filter function to find the Buyer you are looking for.

Check the checkboxex on the left of all Buyers you wish to Revoke/Grant access to.

Click ‘Apply‘ on the bottom right.

Duplicating Catalogs

If you duplicate a Catalog, all of the settings and products attached will be carried over.

Click on ①【Catalogs】in the header, followed by ② 【Copy】

You will be redirected to the Catalog creation screen.

For further details on Catalog creation, click here

Changing the order of Catalogs.

If you have multiple Catalogs, you can change the order in which they are displayed.

Scroll down to Sort Catalogs‘ and you will be able to dragon and drop Catalogs into whatever order you wish.

■ Buyers will see the following.

Deleting Catalogs

First, click on ①【Catalogs】followed by  ②【Detail】


Fowllowing on, click on ①【Update status】


Finally, enter ①【confirm】 then click on ②【Delete this catalog】

If you have any questions, please contact us using the
 Inquiry form

If you are in a hurry or need assistance by phone, please contact us at

