General Settings

Importing data into DEXTRE

Create a New Brand

Step 1 Create a New Brand

Now we will go through the process of creating a new brand.

First, click one of the ‘Create a New Brand‘ buttons as shown in the red rectangles below.

Step 2 Basic Setup, Media Setup

From here you can set the Brand Name, Brand Description, Videos as well as Logo and Image settings.

①  Enter the ‘Brand Name‘ here.

※ You will be able to enter the Brand Name in all languages you had previously enabled.

②  Enter the ‘Brand Description‘ here.

※ You will be able to enter the Brand Description in all languages you had previously enabled.
※ There is no word limit.

③ Here you can add videos. You will need to supply the embed URL from sites like Youtube or Vimeo.

④ Here you can set your Logo Image. This will appear on Linesheets, both online link and PDFs, as well as in the ‘Cart’ on the buyer side.

※The recommended size is、300px ×300px  (Aspect Ratio 1 : 1 )

⑤ Here you can set your Header Image.

This will be shown on the buyer side when selecting a brand on your top page.

※ The recommended size is 1920px × 768px  (Aspect Ratio  5: 2 )

⑥ After filling in all of the fields, press the purple ‘Create‘ button.

Step:2-2 Uploading videos

Uploading Videos

After clicking on ③ ‘Add‘ , you will be able to enter a URL that links to the video you wish to upload.

※Videos can not be directly uploaded to DEXTRE. You need to use a Video sharing service such as Youtube or Vimeo and input the embed links into DEXTRE.

You can not input the normal URL you see when watching a video.

First, go to the page of the Youtube video you wish to link to DEXTRE.

Click on the ‘Share‘ button

Then the ‘Embed‘ button

Under the ‘Embed Video‘ title, please copy the url starting with https:// until the closing ”

For Youtube shorts

Right click on the video, and click on “Copy embed code


In the following example, Copy red text, Do not copy green text.


 ifame src="<span style=" width="560" height="315">" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay;clipboard-write; encrypted-media;gyroscope; picture-in-picture"allowfullscreen></iframe

Go back to DEXTRE, and paste the link you copied into

DEXTERの画面に戻り、ビデオの空欄に先程のYou Tubeのリンクのコピーを④をペーストします。

If you wish to add another video, click on ⑤Add and follow the same process to add another link.

Once you have added a video, click on ⑥Create.

If you can see a thumbnail for the video on the next page, you have successfully linked a video to your DEXTRE Brand.

If the video is black or there is an error, please refer to to the guide above and try again, paying attention that you are not including anything other than the URL when inputting the link into DEXTRE.

Further Reading

How to upload a video to youtube(Here

※The video can be unlisted

Adding Media Assets

Click on ①【Brand】followed by ②【Create Media Assets】

You will be redirected to the following screen.



Set a display name for this Media Asset Folder

Select the files to add.

Uploadable filetypes:

Videos:mp4, mov, webm, hevc

Pictures:jpeg, png, webp, gif

Others:pdf, zip


Enable this if you wish to display the filenames for these files.

Here you can set the viewing status for these files in bulk.

⑤ Here you can set the viewing status for these files individually.

Click on 【Create】once finished.

If you have any questions, please contact us using the
 Inquiry form

If you are in a hurry or need assistance by phone, please contact us at

