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Making Online Linesheets

Making Instant Order Links


Instant Order Links

Using Instant Order Links, you can select one line sheet (season) and transaction terms, then share the link and take orders. You are also able to set a passcode.

You can share the link through social media or messaging apps.

First click on, ①【Links】followed by ② Instant Order Link】and then Create A New Link】

You will be redirected to the following screen.

① Make this Link A Dedicated Link For Chinese Buyers Turn this on if you wish to use this link for Buyers from China. Please note that if this is turned on, only buyers from China will be able to use the link generated.

②’Use As Catalog’ Enable this to use this link as a catalog.

If used in catalog, the cart button will not be displayed.

Link Name Set a name for the link here.

Target Buyer Type‘ Select a target buyer type.

※【Organization】means a B2B transaction

 【Personal】means a Personal order (from a friend, etc.)

Description‘ A description of the link.

This is not required.

Season‘ Select the season you wish to make available through this link.

⑦’Release Date’ After the date and time you set here, people will be able to use this link.

Expires At‘ After the date and time you set here, people will no longer be able to use this link.

※ Seasons also have Order deadlines separate from this. If the link is still active but the Order deadline for the season has past, people who access the link will be able to view, but not order, products from that season.

Passcode‘ This can be enabled or disabled.

※ If enabled, the person accessing the link will need to enter the passcode you set here

Description‘ A description of the link.

This is not required.

Select which language you wish to enable.

Select which currency you wish to enable.

Billing Term‘ Select ‘With Deposit’ or ‘Without Deposit’

⑭’Deposit Condition’ Here you can set the deposit percentage you require on orders.

Transaction Term‘ Choose which transaction terms you wish to apply to this link.

※ In the case of WSP/RRP, the Transaction Condition‘ will be to decide the rate, for any other transaction terms, this will be to decide a rate of discount.

Apply Tax To Price‘ If you wish to include the price with tax, enable this.

Display Transaction Terms‘ If you wish to display the transaction terms to the Buyer, enable this.

Video‘ Add a video link here to a video you wish to display.(See how to upload a video here

⑳ Background Media Type‘ Select what type of media you would like displayed when someone is on the login screen in the case of a passcode being required, or the screen they will see if they use the link after it has already expired.

「Empty」… Nothing
「Image」… Set an image to use in the background. A high resolution is recommended.
「Video」… If you don’t add a repeat tag to the end of the video URL, the video will stop when its run time has elapsed.(Background video settings

Lookbook‘ If you wish to have lookbooks attached here, select them here.

㉒ Contacts /  This information will be displayed to the person accessing the page as contact information.

Once done, click on Update

You can find a sample instant order linkhere.

Making Dynamic Brand Links

For more information about Dynamic Brand Links, please look here.

Multiple Seasons (Linesheets) can be made available with a single link, and transaction terms and conditions set. This link can be sent to anyone, and a passcode can also be set if wished.

The link can be shared on SNS, your own website, or wherever else, giving you an easy way to gain more eyes on your products and more orders too!

Select Links‘ From the navigation bar, then click on ② ‘Dynamic Brand Link‘ followed by Create A New Link‘.


You will be redirected to the following screen.

Select which languages you wish to enable.

The Buyer will be able to select which language they wish to use when accessing the link.

Link Name Set a name for the link here.

Target Buyer Type‘ Select a target buyer type.

※【Organization】means a B2B transaction

 【Personal】means a Personal order (from a friend, etc.)

Description‘ A description of the link.

This is not required.

Selectable Seasons‘ Select the seasons you wish to make available through this link.

Expires At‘ After the date and time you set here, people will no longer be able to use this link.

※ Seasons also have Order deadlines separate from this. If the link is still active but the Order deadline for the season has past, people who access the link will be able to view, but not order, products from that season.

Passcode‘ This can be enabled or disabled.

※ If enabled, the person accessing the link will need to enter the passcode you set here

Select which currencies you wish to enable.

Billing Term‘ Select ‘With Deposit’ or ‘Without Deposit’

Transaction Term‘ Choose which transaction terms you wish to apply to this link.

※ In the case of WSP/RRP, the ‘Transaction Condition‘ will be to decide the rate, for any other transaction terms, this will be to decide a rate of discount.

Apply Tax To Price‘ If you wish to include the price with tax, enable this.

Display Transaction Conditions‘ Enable this if you wish to display the transaction conditions to the person accessing the link.

Video‘ Add a video link here to a video you wish to display.(See how to upload a video here

Background Media Type‘ Select what type of media you would like displayed when someone is on the login screen in the case of a passcode being required, or the screen they will see if they use the link after it has already expired.

「Empty」… Nothing
「Image」… Set an image to use in the background. A high resolution is recommended.
「Video」… If you don’t add a repeat tag to the end of the video URL, the video will stop when its run time has elapsed.(Background video settings

Lookbook‘ If you wish to have lookbooks attached here, select them here.

⑯ Contacts /  This information will be displayed to the person accessing the page as contact information.

[Video] Dynamic order link settings.

You can find a sample dynamic order link here.


Instructions for Buyers

Buyer Instruction Manual, send the following URL to the buyer.

Creating Customer Order Links

A Customer Order Links is a link used for already registered Buyers, or Offline buyers. This link will use the buyers already established transaction terms and conditions.

DEXTRE is a system that allows Buyers to buy from multiple Makers, and vice versa. Using this link, you can lead your Buyer to only your Companies information.

Select Links‘ From the navigation bar, then click on ② ‘Customer Order Links‘ followed by Create A New Link‘.




① ‘Link Name’ Set a name for the link here.

②’Use As Catalog’ Enable this to use this link as a catalog.

If used in catalog, the cart button will not be displayed.

Address‘ If enabled, the Buyer will be required to input their address before completing their order.

Release Date‘ If enabled, you can choose a date from which the link will be accessible

Expiration Date‘ Set an expiring date for the link here.

⑥’Selectable Seasons’ Select the seasons you wish to make available through this link.

⑦’DescriptionA description of the link.

⑧’Video’ Add a video link here to a video you wish to display.(See how to upload a video here

Background Media Type‘ Select what type of media you would like displayed when someone is on the login screen in the case of a passcode being required, or the screen they will see if they use the link after it has already expired.

「Empty」… Nothing
「Image」… Set an image to use in the background. A high resolution is recommended.
「Video」… If you don’t add a repeat tag to the end of the video URL, the video will stop when its run time has elapsed.(Background video settings

⑩’Lookbook’ If you wish to have lookbooks attached here, select them here.

⑪Contacts /  This information will be displayed to the person accessing the page as contact information.

Create‘ Click this button when you have filled in all the required information.

You can find a sample customer order link here.



If you have any questions, please contact us using the
 Inquiry form

If you are in a hurry or need assistance by phone, please contact us at

