General Settings

Importing data into DEXTRE

Exporting Order information

Step:1 Creating a Template


Click on Data Export‘, followed by  ‘Create A Template

You will be redirected to the following screen



①  Template Name  set a name for this template

② Extraction Granularity

  • 「 SKU Level」… The data will be exported on an individual SKU by SKU basis
  • 「 ORDER Level」… The data will be exported on an order by order basis
  • 「 MODEL Level」… The data will be exported on an individual model by model basis

Select which data you wish to export.

Select what parts of the products SKU Properties you wish to export.

Select which metadata you wish to export.

If you wish to add a Blank Column, click the ‘Add Blank Column‘ button. You can drag and drop here to reorder the columns.

⑦Next Click here once done.

Using the ‘Add Blank Column‘ feature, you can add data that you have not put up on DEXTRE.

Using Blank Columns, you can decide their header title as well as what value you wish to fill them with.



You will be redirected to the following screen.



Here you can set column names for the excel file that will be exported.

In the case of blank columns, you can set their default value as well.


If for example you are planning on importing this data into your core system, and need a tax code or type, you could make the header “Tax Type” and the cells values “1”


Step:2 Using a template to export

From the transactions heading, you are able to export order information.

Click on ①’Transctions‘ in the header, followed by ②’Order Management‘.

You will be redirected to the following screen.

Click on ①’Data Export’ above the order list.

You will be redirected to the following screen.

Export Template‘ Select a template to use.

Period‘ Select a period of time.

Data Source‘ Please select「Original Order」or「Confirmed Order (OC)」.

※「Original Order」Is the data for the order when the customer originally made it.
※「Confirmed Order (OC)」Is the data after an order confirmation (OC) was made.

Order From‘ Choose by which order method the orders you wish to export here.

Language‘ Choose which language you wish to export the orders in.

Transaction Currency‘ Choose which currency you wish to have used for exporting this data.

⑦’Buyer Type‘ Select a Buyer Type to filter down which orders you wish exported.

⑧’Include SKU Option Number In The Export Data‘ If you wish to include an SKU Option No. in the exported data, enable this.

⑨’Includes Zero Quantity Of Item‘ If you wish to export orders which have no items selected, enable this.

⑩’Buyer Country‘ Select a Country to filter down which orders you wish exported.

⑪’Extract‘ After clicking this, the system will find all relevant orders. Scroll down after this has completed.

⑫’Filter‘ Use this for even further filtering.

⑬’Add filter‘Use this to add another filter.

⑭’Filename‘ Input the filename you wish to use for the file

⑮’Export‘ Once done, click this to export the data. A download will start.

If you have any questions, please contact us using the
 Inquiry form

If you are in a hurry or need assistance by phone, please contact us at

