General Settings

Importing data into DEXTRE

Setting up for product registration

Step 1:SKU Property Settings

Before registering products, you will need to set up the attributes you will give to your products to manage them. For example Color, Size, Categories, etc.

Click on ①’Products‘, followed by

②’Product Attributes‘.

About SKU Property Settings

SKU properties are attributes like color and size you use to manage and differentiate products. For example, you could make SKU properties of ‘Leather’, ‘Color’ and ‘Size’. You can use this combination of properties later when you create a SKU Template, which we will go into later.

Click on ①② ‘SKU Properties‘ in order.

You will be redirected to the following screen.

The example above is settings up colours.

① ‘SKU Property No.’This is the name the system will use to recognize this SKU Property, which you will need to use for bulk product registration, etc.

② ‘SKU Property Name’This is the name that will be seen by buyers as part of the products information. It will be reflected on Billing Invoices, etc.

③ ‘SKU Property Value No.’ This is the identifier the system will use. You will need to use it for bulk product registration, etc.

④ ‘Display Name’This is the name that will be shown to buyers and reflected on Billing invoices, etc.

Add a SKU Property Value‘ If you press this button, you will be presented with more fields for you to add more variations to this property.

Sort SKU Property Value‘Here you can drag and drop to reorder the values you have added.

If you have made a mistake in your value registration, you may have issues with bulk product registration.

① ‘SKU Property No.s’ are identifiers used in databases and systems to differentiate and identify products and their properties. They are used when exporting and importing data into DEXTRE

Click on Create

As an example, here is how a size SKU Property could be made.

Put the size code in SKU Property No.‘ and then the size name in‘SKU Property Name’

Step 2: SKU Template settings

After you have made the SKU properties you will need, you now need to make a ‘SKU Template‘.

Click on , followed by ②

You will be redirected to the following screen.

SKU Template No.‘ Add a name to the template.

SKU Properties‘ Select the SKU Properties you wish to use to add to this SKU structure.

SKU Property Symbol‘ Decide which SKU property you wish to use to organize photos of your products (Color, etc.)

※ Here is an example of the SKU Property Symbol, as seen in the ‘Cart’ section of the Buyer application.

Step 3: Category Settings

※This feature is not required for Product registration, but please use this feature if you wish too.

Next we will set up Product Attribute Categories.

Categories are attributes that need to be managed by brand. Depending on the brand, the management and way they are displayed will change.

Category setup examples

1:Gender categories such as MEN/WOMAN/UNISEX

2:Item categories such as One piece/Jacket/Dress

3:Accessory categories such as Hats/Rings/Wallets

On top of this, you can add subcategories and subsubcategories.

A categorization example

1:(Category)WOMAN-(Subcategory)Jacket/Dress/One Piece

2:(Category)WOMAN-(Subcategory)Hat-(Subsubcategory)/CAP/KNIT/BUCKET HAT

We will use the example of:(Category)WOMAN-(Subcategory)HAT-(subsubcategory)CAP/KNIT for the following explanation.

To start, we must first set up the Category (The broadest option)

From ‘Product Attribute Settings‘ select Categories‘.

Click onCreate a New Category

Your screen will be redirected to the following.

Next, from the ‘Category Type‘ heading, select Category‘ from the drop down menu.

Next, enter a Category name‘(For example, ‘WOMAN’)

After you have done this please click on Create‘.

Next we will set up our subcategories.

Click on ④’Create a New Category’

You will be redirected to the following page.

From the ‘Category Type’ heading, Select Subcategory‘ from the drop down menu.

Select the Category you have just made (in our example ‘WOMAN’)

Next, Enter a ⑦ ‘Category nameFor example, ‘HAT’)

After you have done this please click on Create‘.

If you have completed the above steps successfully  ‘HAT’ Should be indented to the right of, and under, ‘WOMAN’.

If you wish to further organize your products into categories, you can use Subsubcategories.

Click on ⑨’Create a New Category’ once again, you will be redirected to the following screen.

From the ‘Category Type’ heading, Select Subcategory‘ from the drop down menu.

Under the Parent Categories section, select WOMAN’ as the ⑪’Category

and ‘HAT’ as the Subcategory

Next, Enter a Category nameFor example, ‘CAP’)

You will be automatically redirected to the ‘Product Attribute Settings‘ page, so please check if your Categories, Subcatergories and Subsubcategories are indenting appropriately as seen below.

■ Reordering Categories

At the bottom of the page, you are able to rearrange the order of categories.

* Only the main categories are able to be reordered like this.

Step 4:Description Attribute Settings

※This feature is not required for Product registration, but please use this feature if you wish too.

Description Attributes‘, Are used when making commercial invoices for exports. They will be the ‘Simple name’ used for products.

※ These Description attributes, after being set up, will need to be applied to each product.

 ①Click on ‘Create a New Description Attribute‘.

Enter a new ②’Description Attribute

For example, enter ‘Mens jacket’ which will be displayed on commercial invoices.

After you are done, click on Create‘.

On the ‘Create a New Product‘ page, select the appropriate description from  Content Description

Custom Attribute settings

※This feature is not required for Product registration, but please use this feature if you wish too.

Custom Attributes are pieces of information or flags that you can apply to products freely. They can be set to be displayed or not be displayed to Buyers, so can be used to carry pieces of information over to a product such as the factory it was produced in or the material it is made from.

As an example settings, if we wish to  keep track of all products made of a specific material, we will make a Custom attribute called ‘Material1’.

First off, select Custom Attributes‘.

Following that, selectCreate a New Attribute‘.

Enter ‘MATERIAL1’ into the Attribute Name‘ field.

From Attribute Type‘ Select if you want this to be a public or private attribute.

Click onCreate

If you have any questions, please contact us using the
 Inquiry form

If you are in a hurry or need assistance by phone, please contact us at

