Order Export Template Enhancements

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Allowing you to create templates for unlimited output of the export function

Various templates can be created based on the 3 output bases of “SKU BASE”, “ORDER SKU BASE” and “MODEL BASE”.

  1. エクスポート機能を限りなく自由に出力するためのテンプレート作成が可能SKU BASE … Base for SKU aggregation
  2. ORDER SKU BASE … the base to which the customer information resulting from the order is linked.
  3. MODEL BASE … Export base capable of aggregating by model number

2. “Filter settings for narrowing down” “Sorting Output Order” “header information naming”

Based on the template base, you can create additional templates to customize the “filter for narrowing down”, the items you want to print, the order in which they appear, and header information for the exported data.

エクスポート画面でテンプレートを選択Select Template in Export Screen

Order data can be easily exported simply by selecting a time period or filtering item.

DEXTRE Merchant API(β版)の提供を開始しました。