Order Management

The order management screen.

You are able to login to the Buyer application on DEXTRE through the following link.


Statuses on DEXTRE

Awaiting OC Creation. … The order has gone through, but no Order Confirmation (OC) has been created yet

OC Confirmed… The Order Confirmation for this order has been approved.

Please Check The Contents Of The OC. … You have to check the contents and approve this Order Confirmation.

Order Declined … The order has been cancelled or declined. You cannot revert the order to a prior state.


First, click on Order Management】.

Update the real time status of your orders here.

Order information can be exported. For more information, see here

To see more details and all relevant actions for an order, click on ‘Detail

Order details

First, as described above, click on ‘Detail‘ for the relevant order.


Click here to Download a Purchase Order Linesheet PDF

Click here to Download a Purchase Order PDF

Click here to Download an Order Confirmation Linesheet PDF

Click here to Download an Order Confirmation PDF

If this order requires confirmation, click on Confirm an OC

You can check the status of an order here.

Transaction Details are displayed here.

⑧An order summary is displayed here.

Details about the order are displayed here.

If you have any questions, please contact us using the
 Inquiry form

If you are in a hurry or need assistance by phone, please contact us at

