Next, enter the email address in the の①【text box】and then click on ②【Search】
Following on, click on ①【Create an invitation】
Once done, an invitation will be sent to the email address you entered. If you wish to share the invitation with them another way, click on ①【Copy invitation link 】
For the next step, make the sure new owner has accepted the invitation.
First, click on ①【Buyer Settings】 followed by ②【Members】 Following on, click on ③【Change to primary owner】
Finally, click on ③【Update】
Click on ①【Buyer Settings】 followed by ②【General】 Following on, change the email addresses marked as ③~⑤ and then click on ⑥【Update】
Finally, we need to change the email addresses used for billing information. Click on ①【Delivery/Billing】 Addresses then click on ②【Update】
change the ①email address for each address, then click on ②【update】
If you have any questions, please contact us using the
Inquiry form
If you are in a hurry or need assistance by phone, please contact us at