Changing the Primary Owner of your organization

Inviting the new owner

If the member you wish to make the Primary Owner already exists in the organisation, please read this guide from here.


First, click on ①【Buyer Settings】 followed by②【Members】 Following on, click on ③【Invite A New Member】


Next, enter the email address in the の①【text box】and then click on ②【Search】


Following on, click on ①【Create an invitation】


Once done, an invitation will be sent to the email address you entered. If you wish to share the invitation with them another way, click on ①【Copy invitation link 】


For the next step, make the sure new owner has accepted the invitation.

Changing an existing member to the Primary owner

First, click on ①【Buyer Settings】 followed by ②【Members】 Following on, click on ③【Change to primary owner】


Finally, click on ③【Update】



Click on ①【Buyer Settings】 followed by ②【General】 Following on, change the email addresses marked as ③~⑤  and then click on ⑥【Update】



Finally, we need to change the email addresses used for billing information. Click on ①【Delivery/Billing】 Addresses then click on ②【Update】

change the ①email address for each address, then click on ②【update】

If you have any questions, please contact us using the
 Inquiry form

If you are in a hurry or need assistance by phone, please contact us at

